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‘We Will Build Things That Will Outlive Us’, Adesua Etomi Writes Touching Note For Banky W



Adesua, a stunning actress and singer, declared on her Instagram page that she and her hubby will create things that would outlast them.

She also hoped that their children would be motivated by their efforts as they get older and saw what they had ‘done, tried, and accomplished.’

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She wrote: “You and I…are going to do some pretty amazing things. We are going to build things that will outlive us.”

“When we’re gone (when we’re grey and old of course. Amen🙏), I pray that our kids are inspired when they look at what we’ve done, tried, achieved.”

“I hope they look at the chances we took and are not afraid to try, not afraid to fail, not afraid to succeed, not afraid to fly.”

“You and I….are going to do some pretty amazing things.”

Meanwhile, The founder of Salvation Ministry, David Ibiyeomie, has proclaimed that persons who profess love for others but do not back it up with financial or other valued gifts are not real lovers.

The cleric, speaking at a church-sponsored event to commemorate Valentine’s Day in 2022, argued that all genuine loves entail giving and sacrifices.

Pastor Ibiyeomie made the assertion in relation to church offerings and tithes, claiming that individuals who struggle to provide money to the church do not love God.

The renowned clergyman, who claims to be a pathological lover and giver, disclosed that in 2021, he spent over N400 billion on charity, emphasizing that he donates 80 percent of his earnings.

Source: PressInformant

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