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“The Youth In This Country Are Really Trying”-Medikal Says



Award-winning Samuel Adu Frimpong, nicely generally known as Medikal has applauded the youth within the nation for his or her fixed efforts to make life comfy though conditions have hardened within the nation.

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Medikal who occurs to be one of many key position fashions to the youth particularly within the music trade counseled the Ghanaian youth for combating their by means of the hardship within the nation.

This comes in the back of fixed complaints about how the conditions within the nation have an effect on the event and progress of the nation thereby affecting the longer term leaders.

The youth have complained in regards to the unavailability of jobs particularly for graduates who search to make a residing for themselves after completion of their training.

Nicely, Medikal who grew up from a poor background however has been in a position to make a distinction by striving arduous to make it to the highest regardless of the obstacles that stood in his means has applauded the youth within the nation for his or her fixed efforts.

Taking to the microblogging platform, Twitter, Medikal; The youth for this nation de strive tough!

See the tweet beneath:

In different information, Ghanaian Enterprise Mogul, Dr. Osei Kwame Regardless of was celebrated with a luxurious and traditional birthday celebration as he celebrates his sixtieth delivery anniversary at present.

The person who has been one of many key pacesetters within the nation close to enterprise, philanthropic works and wealth was being celebrated by his wealthy associates, household and different folks he has impacted of their lives.

Earlier, Dr. Osei Kwame Regardless of shocked his two sisters with 5-bedroom mansion every at Wiamoase within the Ashanti Area. He additionally acquired citations from different well-known institutions and church buildings for his huge contribution to the event of the nation.

Supply: www.PressInformant

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