The well-known political chat show Boiling Degree, which was hosted by Kwabena Kwakye on Accra’s Oman FM, dropped its key presenter. In accordance with respected sources...
Prolific Ghanaian media persona, Deloris Frimpong Manso, is in search for of a kissing partner to embark on a kissing marathon that can appear within the...
A popular Snapchat influencer acknowledged as Hayford noticed himself in points this early morning after he was nearly lynched by an indignant mob and his family...
A $300 deep trumu l!ckings video clip by a Gh Boy Hayford on a Transgender woman, Headucator elements. Pleasure Takes In extra of X, beforehand Twitter, As...
Ghanaian rapper Kwesi Arthur has warmed the hearts of his a number of fanatics on social media proper after sharing this heartwarming on-line video together with...
Who’s Vic Mensa? Victor Kwesi ‘Vic’ Mensah was born on 6 June 1993, in Chicago, Illinois Usa, and is a historical past producer, rapper, singer, and...
KiDi has confirmed his clear spot for the Taxi driver who has returned GH8,000 remaining in his vehicle by a fish vendor. The driving force acknowledged...
A man has reportedly been apprehended by the police after he was captured on a CCTV camera trying to inject a salesgirl with a pesticide in...
BY CHARLES KOFI AMOAKU APRIL 1, 2022 2 MINS READ Popular Yoruba comic star and comedian, Kunle Adetokunbo who is widely known in the movie scenes as Dejo Tunfulu...
Kisa Gbekle in a recent interview has said her statement of this year being ashawo season was just for fun as she has never done ashawo...