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‘Pam & Tommy’ Turns Rand Gauthier Right into a Tortured Antihero — Was He Actually a Sufferer?



'Pam & Tommy' Turns Rand Gauthier Into a Tortured Antihero — Was He Really a Victim?


Would we categorize Rand — who lived his life in his father, actor Dick Gautier’s, shadow — as a villain? Not exactly. If one thing, Tommy is the villain. He’s narcissistic, controlling, and downright horrifying. And hey, in 1998, he spent six months in Los Angeles County Jail for allegedly assaulting his wife, Pamela Anderson.

Whereas we genuinely actually really feel for Rand, Pamela didn’t deserve the humiliation, ache, and sheer misogyny she expert after the notorious intercourse tape unfold across the globe.