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Man reportedly loses testicle after being shot by a fetish priest during a fight over his wife – –



Man reportedly loses testicle after being shot by a fetish priest during a fight over his wife - YabaLeftOnline

A 24-year-old man recognized as Kwasi Peters has reportedly misplaced certainly one of his testicles after being shot by a fetish priest throughout a battle at Dwenewoho in Ahafo Ano, South West District of the Ashanti Area of Ghana.

It was stated that the battle ensued after Kwasi accused the priest of sleeping together with his wife. Kwesi, whereas talking with the media at Dwenewoho, stated he confronted the priest after seeing him together with his wife in compromising positions on a number of events.

“I by no means believed rumours in regards to the affair between the priest and my wife till I noticed the 2 happening errands on a number of events largely round 11 p.m. within the night time.

“I confronted him when my wife’s angle confirmed her affair with the priest however he shot me within the course of.

This isn’t the primary time he’s sleeping with a married lady, we’ve got proof of his acts in our neighborhood and so I couldn’t sit down for him to destroy my marriage”. He stated.

The priest has been arrested and at the moment detained at Mankranso Police pending additional investigation.