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“DNA check isn’t an African factor; a toddler who calls an African man ‘father’ is an African man’s little one” – Ugezu Ugezu says



“DNA test isn’t an African thing; a child who calls an African man ‘father’ is an African man’s child” – Ugezu Ugezu says

Fashionable movie maker, Ugezu Ugezu has taken to his social media web page to specific that finishing up DNA check isn’t an African factor.

He believes {that a} little one who’s born to an African man is the African man’s little one. This, in accordance Ugezu, make sure the peace of the African man.

He additional expressed the adverse penalties of the outcomes of DNA check, stating that it has wrecked a number of houses, and leaving kids scathed.

In his phrases:

“This DNA factor isn’t reall an African factor. A baby born to an African man is the African man’s little one. 

Our fathers held this perception and loved peace of thoughts. This DNA stuff is tearing many houses aside and destroying many harmless kids.

In THINGS FALL APART, the Mom Earth rose gainst Okonkwo for killing the kid who known as him father. THINK! @UGEZUJUGEZU WRITES”

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