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After Discovering His Wife Had Bought A Property Without His Consent Man Sets Wife Ablaze



Sets Wife Ablaze

A 50-year-old man, Daniyan Ojo has reportedly set his wife, Dorcas ablaze of their residence in Irese highway in Shagari Village, Akure, Ondo.
The suspects allegedly locked his wife in her room and set the home on hearth. She gave up the ghost 72 hours after she was given medical support, stories Vanguard.

A household supply advised the publication the person carried out the act as a result of the deceased purchased a property with out telling him.

The accused, who’s on trial earlier than an Akure Excessive Court docket, denied the allegation introduced in opposition to him.

Nevertheless, the prosecution led by H.M Falowo revealed that the costs in opposition to the defendant are arson, homicide and disabling to commit a felony.

A witness near the household, Ajayi Ajiboye additionally advised the courtroom that he heard the deceased crying out for assist throughout the incident.

He stated: once I acquired to the compound, l found that her room was on hearth and I forcefully broke the door with my leg.”

“The next morning, landlords within the neighbourhood got here to the home and found empty bottles of petroleum merchandise scattered beneath the sufferer’s mattress positioned at strategic corners of the room.”

The brother of the deceased additionally acknowledged that the defendant reported his sister to him that she purchased three plots of land and registered it in her title.

He additional revealed that his sister confided in him that she purchased the land in her title as a result of she was afraid her husband would promote it off with out her consent.

He stated that he resolved the difficulty and went again to his base, however later acquired a name in regards to the hearth hazard.

“It took the intervention of the police to impact the arrest of the defendant having absconded instantly after the incident occurred.”

The deceased daughter additionally confirmed that their father ready dinner and advised them he was going to get gas.

“I awoke briefly when my mom got here again from her journey however later went again to sleep. It was the noise of the automotive that took my mom to the hospital that woke me up.”

Inspector Bayo Adaran testified that the case of arson and homicide was transferred to State CID for additional discreet investigation.