The well-known political chat show Boiling Degree, which was hosted by Kwabena Kwakye on Accra’s Oman FM, dropped its key presenter. In accordance with respected sources...
The Federal government of Nigeria on Friday announced that oil production has increased to about 1.7 million barrels per day, up from the 1.1mbpd last recorded...
Eswatini faces many challenges and opportunities in the 21st century. The country has one of the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in the world, affecting about 27%...
Eritrea is a young nation with a long history. It has endured many hardships and struggles for its freedom and dignity. It has also shown resilience...
Modern era: Costa Rica has been a stable and democratic country since 1949, when it adopted its current constitution. It has had peaceful transitions of power...
Democratization and economic development Democratization in Brazil was a process of political liberalization and social inclusion that took place from 1974 to 1988. It was initiated by...
In 1991, Belarus declared its independence from the Soviet Union along with other republics. It adopted a new constitution and a national flag and emblem in...
The Portuguese colony of Angola was founded in 1575 with the arrival of Paulo Dias de Novais with a hundred Portuguese families and four hundred soldiers. Its center at...
In 1900, after a short resistance by some native chiefs led by Chief Tui Manu’a Elisala on Ta’u island, American Samoa was formally annexed by the...
Who is Marty Lagina? Oak Island, uncovered on the south shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, has brought awareness to itself because the 1800s, and the initial...