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“You’re not hardworking if you don’t do 15 hours of work and personal learning every day” — Nigerian man | PressInformant



A Nigerian man has opined that anyone who doesn’t work and learn for at least 15 hours daily, is not hardworking.

Taking to Twitter the man identified as Neto, stated that young people nowadays choose a soft life too early in their career.

According to him young people should work hard when they are still in their twenties.

He thus noted that anyone who doesn’t work and engage in personal learning for at least 15 hours daily, is not hardworking.

His words,

“Young people these days seem to optimize for a ‘soft life’ too early in their career. You’re in your twenties, just got out of Uni, sorry to break it to you but if you’re not doing 15 hour days across work and personal learning, you’re not working hard enough”.

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