The institution of marriage has been molded in Africa in a way that women are always the subset of the family. The husband is known to be the head of the house or family and mostly makes every decision in the house.

According to Dr. Dipo, wives can live their lives in a normal way not seeking permission from their husbands to do things or even step out. He, however, emphasized that a wife can decide to inform their husband of their plans and movement but not necessarily seek permission to go about their daily activities.

Dr. Dipo told husbands that their wives are not children to restrict them or demand explanations for their movement.

“A wife does not need permission from her husband to go out. Informing you about her movement and plans should be fine. Your wife is not your teenage child. Well, except if you married a teenager, a 10 or 12 years old girl. And I am wondering why not marry someone older?”, he tweeted.
