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Why has Daniel Caesar been Cancelled?




Daniel Caesar’s ‘cancellation’ occurred in March 2019 and he surprisingly asked for it. He faced heavy criticism from fans after he defended influencer YesJulz, who was accused of cultural appropriation

YesJulz, a singer’s friend and influencer, was chastised for comments about Scottie Beam and Karen Civil, who claimed her actions, including resurfaced tweets, exploited black culture. She also received backlash after tweeting a picture of a t-shirt with a racial slur on it, as well as accusations of being a “culture vulture.”

Daniel Caesar addressed his ‘cancellation’ in an interview in February of 2020 with CBC. He recounted the Instagram live, saying:

“Why are we being so mean to Julz?” he asked. “Why are we being so mean to white people?” He continued to share his opinion that Black people are “rude and disrespectful to everyone else” but are sensitive when that energy is returned. He referenced the prior incident with Chappelle, saying he “had to acknowledge that I was being f*cking sensitive and I need to be able to joke just like everybody else.” He said that “all I want is love,” saying that being “sensitive” or “offended” doesn’t help and that he is unafraid of being “canceled.”