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We Queued To Vote And We Shall Hold You To Account – Korankye Ankrah To Politicians



Renowned clergyman and Headpastor of the Royal House Chapel, Apostle General Sam Korankye Ankrah has charged Ghanaians to hold politicalicians and leaders of the country accountable after putting them in to steer the affairs of the nation progressively.

According to, Rev. Ankrah said it is the duty of every Christian to make sure that those “we entrust power into their care, they are properly accountable”.

“We the people of Ghana, we have resolved that not only shall we go to queue and to vote for our leaders anymore and go to sleep, we won’t do that again. When we vote for them we shall call them to accountability,” he said.

They will have to account for the power that we vested in them. We’ll call on them to account for the promises that they make for which we elect them. We are telling them this is not going to be assignment of journalists and courts only, but every citizen of this nation including those of us worshiping at the Royal House Chapel. As a matter of fact, every Christian, it is your responsibility to make sure that those we entrust power into their care, they are properly accountable,” the Apostle General added.

Meanwhile, two senior high school girls created a scene in school after they displayed their love and affection towards each other in the full glare of their schoolmates in Valentine.

One of the girls who was seen wearing a nose mask walked towards her colleague and supposed lover who is also a girl standing and watching as she moves to her.

The girl who trousers then goes down on her knees to propose to her perhaps to be her Valentine, which the girl gladly accepted.

Afterward, they hugged each other passionately whilst colleagues in the school cheered them on in excitement. The name of the school is unknown at the time of filing this report.

Watch the video below;
