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TY Bello Marks Birthday With New Album “We Are Fire”



TY Bello We Are Fire Album


TY Bello We Are Fire Album
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Famend worship chief and celebrated photographer, TY Bello has launched a brand new album christened “We Are Hearth.”

The brand new album was launched on the 14th of January 2022 to mark her forty fourth birthday.

Moreover, the album consisting of 20 tracks options gospel artists like Folabi Nuel, Nosa, Greatman Takit and others.

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She revealed the brand new album on her official Instagram web page, @TYBello.

“We Are Hearth” is just about a declaration of a revival that has come”, she posted on her Instagram.

“We wished to make music that folks can pray with, worship with, search and discover God with. We simply wished folks to expertise revival to style and feed on the fireplace of God uncooked,” added TY Bello.

Lastly, based on the artist, all songs on this album had been spontaneously recorded stay throughout worship classes.