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Two Security Guards Who Were Spotted ‘Breaking Waist’ While On Duty Sacked, Lament Over Poor Treatment (VIDEO)



Recall that PressInformant posted a video a few days earlier in which they may be seen dancing at the front door. In front of diners who were enjoying their meals, the two of them performed scripted dancing routines.

Unfortunately, the fast-food restaurant’s owner noticed the footage and ordered that they be fired.

READ ALSO: ‘Today Na Pay Day’ – Two Security Men Spotted ‘Breaking Waist’ At Duty Post In Front Of Customers

In the latest video, mufti-clad men stand outside their former workplace, claiming that despite working until the end of the month, their ex-employer refused to pay their salary. At the duty station, new security guards had already taken their posts.

According to them, the security firm’s management failed to pay their February wage and disregarded their calls when they tried to contact them.

Watch the video below;

See how netizens reacted to the video;

simple_filando wrote; Only if Chicken Republic knew they could have used that video to promote their brand…… Tag it with something like “Mood after eating in Chicken Republic”

tonia_gram_ had this to say: So instead of them increasing their salary or give them tips for entertaining customers, they got kicked out of their jobs… We are our own problem in this country 💔

ikaydardison wrote: They were giving themselves joy at their own area of duty.
A lot of us don’t even know what people pass through in this Life.
What if i had told you that those two guys were yet to have lunch but they decide to give joy a chance than begging customers for tips.
Think about it..

Source; PressInformant