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Truckers communicate for tens of millions – inform Biden, Trudeau they aren’t the enemy



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What if … Justin Trudeau had met with the truckers the day they first arrived in Ottawa?  

As a substitute of bolting and hiding out in an “undisclosed location,” what if Canada’s prime minister had emerged from the Privy Council constructing and talked to the Freedom Convoy drivers about their calls for? 

May Trudeau have defused the whole protest? Would the truckers have been glad that their trigger was heard and gone residence? 


In spite of everything, these are truck drivers, not thugs. Even beneath the microscope of a censorious press, throughout these first heady few days, when huge crowds appeared from nowhere to cheer on the drivers, they dedicated no crimes, no accidents, no looting. There was not a single arrest, a lot to the frustration of the liberal media. 

Extra lately, as police moved in to dismantle the blockade on the Ambassador Bridge at Windsor, virtually all the demonstrators peacefully decamped. CNN sounded downright dissatisfied to report that none went to jail. 

The truckers are talking for tens of millions of working individuals in Canada and all over the world who’re sick of COVID restrictions and more and more skeptical of the “science” behind them. Canada’s drivers have been set off by a brand new rule, imposed even because the pandemic crested, that required all truckers getting into the nation from the U.S. be vaccinated or self-quarantine. The rule appeared pointless contemplating that 85% of the truckers had taken the shot, and that the majority spend the vast majority of their time alone. 

As a substitute of partaking with the truckers, Trudeau ran like a rabbit, solely to emerge from hiding to demean the protesters as a “fringe minority.”

The brand new mandate additionally appeared whimsical in that the Facilities for Illness Management and Prevention and different medical authorities have now proclaimed immunities from surviving COVID simply as efficient towards an infection because the vaccines. Truckers have been praised as selfless important staff as they continued to work by means of the pandemic, placing themselves in hurt’s approach. Presumably, many obtained sick and now have antibodies; they might not want the vaccine. 

What was Trudeau frightened of? That the group of burly drivers would possibly scoff at his completely coiffed hair? Not be correctly reverent of his literature diploma from McGill College? That the truckers may not respect a lifelong politician whose profession rested on the celebrity of his father? 

As a substitute of partaking with the truckers, Trudeau ran like a rabbit, solely to emerge from hiding to demean the protesters as a “fringe minority.” The irony is, in fact, that Trudeau himself represents a minority, together with his Liberal Occasion setting a report final fall for the bottom vote share of any occasion to ever kind a authorities, profitable a mere 33% of the favored vote. As in 2019, the Conservatives gained the favored vote.   

Trudeau’s response was reprehensible. His unwavering hostility was joined by officers in Nova Scotia who declared it unlawful for individuals to cheer on the Freedom Convoy, threatening to impose fines of as much as $10,000 for waving the Canadian flag. Ontario Premier Doug Ford extra lately threatened truckers with $100,000 fines and a 12 months in jail. Can these politicians hear themselves?  Evidently, confronted with such tyrannical overreach, the truckers doubled down. The blockades on essential U.S.-Canada border crossings have brought on provide issues and commenced to close down manufacturing in each nations.   

The protests could come to the U.S., as we predicted. And Joe Biden is poised to make precisely the identical errors as Trudeau. Already his henchmen within the press have labeled the convoys right-wing extremists – as a result of, , they don’t bow to Anthony Fauci and didn’t attend Ivy League faculties.  

The Freedom Convoy places Biden in a pickle. When he lately sat down with the Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany, he celebrated our nations’ shared values, together with “the foundational dedication to the dignity of staff and the necessity to deal with all individuals with respect.” Query for Joe: does that embrace truckers? 

The truth is that Biden, like Trudeau, is a lifetime pol who has by no means labored together with his arms and has no regard for individuals who do. He celebrates labor, writ giant, as a result of he’s tight with union leaders who fund his campaigns, however staff? Not a lot. 

The Worldwide Brotherhood of Teamsters helped elect Biden. Their web site claims that through the election, they “made 340,000 cellphone calls and despatched … out 1.3 million items of mail and reached greater than 350,000 members through digital promoting.” As well as, the Teamsters spent over $6 million for Democrat-aligned PACs. 

What did they get in return? A White Home that “prioritizes collective bargaining, employee organizing and unions,” rightly declare the bosses. Biden is certainly working to assist Large Labor rebuild their dwindling ranks, all to fund the union bosses’ coffers and lift cash for Democrats.  


Biden, within the ultimate days of the marketing campaign, promised Teamsters he would have their backs, saying “We have to shield you, pay you…” That was then. 

Not solely will the Freedom Convoy showcase Biden’s phony affection for blue-collar staff, it comes at an ungainly time. Officers throughout the nation are dropping masks mandates, responding to latest findings that the masking supplied little safety and likewise to polling exhibiting that voters have had sufficient of the theater and questionable science. 

Because the New York Instances reported, quite a few polls present “the need to return to normalcy has approached and even overtaken alarm in regards to the coronavirus itself.” Why not? Folks perceive that probably the most weak amongst us – the outdated and people weakened by comorbidities – must be vaccinated and boosted, presumably on an ongoing foundation. 

However because the efficiency of the virus wanes, many are prepared to simply accept that COVID-19 is just like the flu, a recurring well being danger to some however largely not deadly and definitely no motive to place our lives on maintain.   

Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden might be taught a factor or two from the prime minister of Sweden, who lately introduced that her authorities was dropping all COVID restrictions, declaring, “The pandemic isn’t over, however it’s transferring into a brand new part.” How refreshing. How good.