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Torch begins three-day trek past iconic Beijing landmarks



BEIJING (Reuters) – Beijing kicked off the Winter Olympics torch relay on Wednesday throughout which greater than 1,000 torch-bearers will carry the flame previous historic landmarks together with the Nice Wall.

The three-day relay started with a launch ceremony on the Olympic Forest Park within the Chinese language capital beneath clear, blue skies.

The torch will then make its well beyond the Summer time Palace and the Badaling part of the Nice Wall within the north of Beijing.

At one cease, the torch will probably be handed underwater by amphibious robots and at one other will probably be moved by autonomous automobiles.

Stops additionally embrace Video games venues akin to Zhangjiakou in neighbouring Hebei province, the place some ski occasions will probably be held.

The flame was lit in Greece in October final 12 months earlier than being flown in a pink lantern resembling a Han Dynasty artefact to Beijing.

Attributable to COVID-19, the dimensions of the relay is modest in contrast with the 130-day, 137,000 km (85,130 mile) odyssey forward of the 2008 Beijing Summer time Video games.

The relay will finish on Friday evening, when the final torch-bearer lights the Olympic cauldron on the Fowl’s Nest Stadium, the place the 2008 opening ceremony was additionally held.

The Winter Video games, starting on Friday, will finish on Feb. 20.

(Reporting by Yew Lun Tian, Norihiko Shirouzu, Jing Xu and Ryan Woo; Modifying by Muralikumar Anantharaman)

Supply: KFGO