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“The Woman in the House”: What Happened to Anna’s Daughter?



"The Woman in the House": What Happened to Anna's Daughter?

The Woman in the House Across the Street From the Girl in the Window. Kristen Bell as Anna in episode 102 of The Woman in the House Across the Street From the Girl in the Window. Cr. Colleen E. Hayes/Netflix © 2021

When you get previous the ridiculously lengthy title, there’s an underlying sincerity to Netflix’s new dark-comedy thriller, “The Girl within the Home Throughout the Avenue From the Woman within the Window.” Impressed by A.J. Finn’s 2018 novel, “The Girl within the Window,” the dark-comedy sequence stars Kristen Bell as Anna Fox, a heartbroken mom and wife whose unhealthy coping mechanisms — specifically, guzzling bottles of crimson wine and handfuls of prescription capsules — finally put her on the middle of a weird homicide thriller.

Minutes into the primary episode, we see Anna rush out of the home in her gown and slippers to drive her daughter, Elizabeth, to elementary college. Seconds later, the digital camera cuts to Anna, rumpled and dazed, staring on the college in disbelief as fellow dad and mom look on at her with sympathy and disappointment. Are all of the judgmental stares a product of her rushed trend selections and her hair standing on finish? Not fairly.

Who Is Elizabeth in “The Girl within the Home”?

Later within the first episode, Anna walks previous Elizabeth’s room and sees her enjoying on the ground. It is at this level that Anna’s imaginary model of her daughter candidly reminds her that Elizabeth is useless and has been for a while. “How the f*ck do I maintain forgetting that?” Anna asks herself.

Devastated by the lack of her 9-year-old daughter and her subsequent divorce, Anna tiptoes round voicing the circumstances of Elizabeth’s loss of life aloud, however periodically visits her grave to talk to her. “If love might have saved you, you’ll have lived perpetually,” Elizabeth’s tombstone reads. It is right here that Anna displays on her life, sharing her worries with Elizabeth and even bringing her one among her well-known hen casseroles on her birthday.

How Did Elizabeth Die?

The primary episode hints at Anna’s sorrow, however it’s not till the second episode that we lastly get some solutions about what occurred to Elizabeth. After Anna contacts the police to inform them she witnessed a homicide throughout the road, she goes to the police station and speaks to Detective Lane, the lead investigator on the case. Regardless of insisting that she noticed her neighbor’s girlfriend, Lisa, murdered, Anna’s all-consuming grief and unhealthy coping mechanisms make her an unreliable witness.

“Elizabeth died that day, however you didn’t should die together with her.”

As Anna pleads her case, Detective Lane interrupts her to level out that she’s possible hallucinating because of her grief, which the detective is aware of as a result of she was additionally the lead investigator when Elizabeth was murdered by a person named Bloodbath Mike. In a flashback, Anna, an artist, reveals that Elizabeth might have stayed at house to color together with her on Take Your Daughter to Work Day. As an alternative, she chooses to go to work together with her dad, Douglas, a forensic psychiatrist who focuses on serial killers.

Whereas talking to one of many inmates on the native jail, Douglas is known as out of the padlocked room. Reasonably than take Elizabeth with him, he leaves her alone with Bloodbath Mike, a convicted serial killer and cannibal. Earlier than Douglas can get again into the room, Bloodbath Mike has killed and eaten Elizabeth, a freak incident that finally ends his marriage with Anna and leaves every mother or father struggling to manage after the lack of their daughter.

“Elizabeth died that day, however you didn’t should die together with her,” Anna’s greatest pal, Sloan, later reminds her on the telephone, inspiring her to color once more. Finally, it is Anna’s love and grief over Elizabeth that places her in the midst of the chilling scenario she’s in, however it’s that very same love that pushes her to resolve Lisa’s homicide case earlier than anybody else.