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The five things you need to know about the partygate report



An extended-awaited report into events in Downing Road and Whitehall held throughout coronavirus restrictions by senior civil servant Sue Grey could solely be a dozen pages lengthy, however the contents have been damaging for Boris Johnson.

Grey, who was commissioned by the prime minister, didn’t publish a full report as a result of the Metropolitan Police requested her to make restricted references to events it’s investigating.

However her report into the “partygate” scandal nonetheless poses main questions for Johnson, who has responded by pledging to shake up his Downing Road operation. Beneath are 5 key takeaways on Grey’s doc.

Failures of management in 10 Downing Road

Grey lists 16 “gatherings” that passed off in Downing Road and Whitehall between Could 2020 and April 2021, throughout coronavirus restrictions.

She goes on to explain a problematic tradition on the high of the UK authorities, the place restrictions have been routinely flouted and a blind eye turned to the foundations that Britons have been requested to observe by Johnson.

Grey, referring to the 16 authorities occasions, mentioned: “At the very least a few of the gatherings in query signify a critical failure to look at not simply the excessive requirements anticipated of these working on the coronary heart of presidency, but in addition of the requirements anticipated of the complete British inhabitants on the time . . . 

“There have been failures of management and judgment by completely different elements of Quantity 10 and the Cupboard Workplace at completely different occasions. A few of the occasions mustn’t have been allowed to happen. Different occasions mustn’t have been allowed to develop as they did.”

In impact, Grey argues Whitehall was working in a bubble. Her report additionally discovered “extreme consumption of alcohol” was happening in authorities, which Grey described as “not applicable in knowledgeable office at any time”. No senior political figures or civil servants are named, however the report makes clear junior officers shouldn’t be blamed.

Quantity 10’s construction has change into dysfunctional

Grey’s report highlights how the variety of employees in 10 Downing Road has steadily grown alongside the tasks of the prime minister. Grey mentioned it’s now “akin to a small authorities division” moderately than simply an workplace to help the nationwide chief.

She described Quantity 10 management buildings as “fragmented and sophisticated”, with no clear traces of accountability. An excessive amount of accountability is placed on the prime minister’s principal personal secretary, at the moment Martin Reynolds.

Johnson responded by saying the creation of a brand new division for the prime minister, with a devoted everlasting secretary.

The police are investigating 12 authorities occasions

Till now, the general public has solely learnt in regards to the authorities events because of media studies, partly primarily based off info leaks.

Grey reveals in her report that 12 of the 16 gatherings she has examined are actually underneath felony investigation by the Met, however she has not supplied additional particulars of those dozen till the police have accomplished their probe.

Two events underneath investigation weren’t beforehand identified about: one on June 18 2020, and one other on January 14 2021. Whitehall insiders mentioned each have been to mark the departure of civil servants from the prime minister’s personal workplace.

Grey mentioned one gathering passed off in Johnson’s Downing Road flat on November 13 2020: allegedly to have fun the departure of his former chief adviser Dominic Cummings, now one of many prime minister’s main critics.

Johnson is dealing with questions on whether or not he misled parliament in regards to the social gathering within the Downing Road flat. He informed MPs on December 8 2021 there was no social gathering on November 13 2020.

The partygate scandal is way from over

Quickly after the Grey report was printed, the Met revealed it had been handed 300 pictures of alleged authorities events together with 500 paperwork containing messages and witness statements.

The police are anticipated to start issuing mounted penalty notices within the coming weeks to those that attended events that broke coronavirus restrictions. The Met has mentioned police won’t present a operating commentary, so it might by no means be identified who has been fined.

However Conservative MPs might be watching to see whether or not Johnson is fined given he attended a “carry your individual booze” social gathering within the Downing Road backyard on Could 20 2020.

This occasion is being investigated by the Met. “If the prime minister is discovered to have damaged the regulation, that’s him completed,” mentioned one Tory MP.

Tory MPs have probably suspended their last judgment

Johnson initially mentioned Grey’s full report, together with materials she has held again on the request of the Met, might not be printed, regardless of calls from MPs of all political events for this to occur.

However Downing Road launched into a U-turn on Monday night and mentioned the prime minister would ask Grey to publish a last report after the Met investigation is over.

Folks with information of Grey’s work mentioned her last report is “able to roll”. “It is able to go topic to a dusting down when the police are completed,” mentioned one official.

Quantity 10’s resolution to decide to publishing Grey’s full report signifies that a last judgment by some Conservative MPs on whether or not to hunt a no-confidence vote in Johnson’s management has probably been delayed.

Tory MPs who’re sad with Johnson will in all probability wait to see all of Grey’s findings earlier than deciding whether or not to submit letters asking for a vote to Sir Graham Brady, chair of the 1922 committee of Conservative backbenchers. A complete of 54 MPs should demand a vote for one to occur.