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Stella Oduah Slams Ebele Obiano Over Her Face-Off With Bianca – Asks Her To Fight For Women In Her State




Ex-Aviation Minister Stella Oduah has slammed Ebele Obiano over her face-off with Bianca asking her to channel the same energy in fighting for women in her state rather than this shameful act.

Ebele Obiano has been slammed by a lot of people over her behavior in public and Stella Oduah reacting to that labeled her attitude as shameful conduct asking her to channel the same energy to fight for women in her state.

According to her, just a few days a woman was paraded [email protected] in her state but she never said a word about it and is now fighting someone publicly showing how shameful her conduct is especially as a governor’s wife.

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Stella Oduah then added that she thought it was only small-minded people who label women like Bianca as ashawo praying this attack against her never be emulated by the young ones who take public figures as role models.

Slapping a fellow woman in public like this by someone who has acted as a mother of the state and even desirous to serving the state is just shameful as Stella Oduah said and this is no good example to be emulated.

screenshot below;


Source: www.PressInformant