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Really? So, It’s Me You Drew Like This? Come To My Office – Sanwo-Olu To Artist (PHOTOS)



Come To My Office
The Governor of Lagos State, Babajide Sanwo-Olu reacts to viral sketching of him created by a controversial sketch artist.

A pencil-sketch artist on Instagram had drawn the Governor in a bid to honour him with questionable pencil work.

“I drew his excellency governor of Lagos State @jidesanwoolu ,I thank God for the profitable work I believe his excellency will find it irresistible..I nonetheless stay the most effective artist in UAR,” he wrote.

In response to the sketch, Sanwo-Olu dared the artist to go to his workplace to current the so-called fantastic pencil work.

“Actually? So, it’s me you drew like this? I’m guessing you’ll prefer to current it to me, abi? Okay, come and current it to me in my workplace. Hmmmm…,” he wrote.

Come To My Office

Come To My Workplace

Come To My Workplace

Come To My Workplace