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Reactions As Recent Horrific Photos Of The Sekondi Sports Stadium Go Viral




The stadium was built in 2008, however, it looks as if it was built in 1890 as everything about it is nothing to write home about.

The photos of the stadium after going viral have garnered some reactions from Ghanaians. Check out the photos below;

Some reactions from social media users are;

@realadeyankey – Whoever advised that this stadium be built at that location did the country and the people of sekondi-takoradi a massive deservice. You make good use and take care of things closer to you than those far away from your reach. If this stadium was built in the heart of the city, it wouldn’t have been abandoned like that.

@SAMMERBoi – You dey expect Gh government to renovate a ghost stadium? Wey team from that region go fit play dema home matches at Essipong? The government at the time built Essipong for politics sake. Essipong is far from the Sekondi/Takoradi metro area.

@VincentAmponsa9 – Awwww Ghana lack of maintenance culture I suggest they give to private entity to manage it

@eric_a_Paintsil – We expect it to collapse on the students during InterCo and we’ll discuss it on radio and tv for two weeks. Get some few big men to visit the place. Put plenty promises across and that’s it

@kenjimxx – @Gh_NSA are you happy ? I know u will ignore all these things ..You guys can do better what is this …Maintenance has always been a problem and it still is Eeih ..Eih Ghanaian leaders

@BiggerGod1 – Black man is capable of managing his own affairs? A whole nations property going waist. Will this happen even in Rwanda? Ghana is doomed forever

Source: PressInformant