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Reactions As Hasaacas Ladies Whip Fiase Golden Royals 24-0 In Women’s FA Cup



Hasaacas Girls did the unthinkable to their counterparts within the ongoing Ghana Girls’s FA Cup.

Their current match was in opposition to Fiase Golden Royals and on the finish of the match, that they had received by an unimaginable rating of 24-0.

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This has sparked some reactions from social media customers who’re applauding the staff for his or her tactfulness and play.

A few of the reactions the staff obtained are;

Hattoh Knowledge Patrick – All of the gamers together with the benches would share it one after the other together with the technical groups as effectively. Subsequent time respect our women ❤️🌹

Samuel Kwabena Abiesi – The referee shd’ve cease the match when scoreline was 10 or 15nil.this’s humiliating & psycologically impacts the opponents.

Clement Agyei – They need to do DNA take a look at for the ladies whether or not they have the genes of these Indians who scored Ghana 99-0. I’ll pay for the associated fee

Nana Kwesi Borngreat – We must always have made this staff symbolize the Black Stars on the AFCON

Aaron Kann – The coach ought to have simply begged hasaacas women coach
I ponder their place now on the desk

Affluent Wealthy – I suggest we take this matter to courtroom and sue Hasaacas Girls for this inhumane therapy on Fiase Golden Royals. This na be assault and sexual abuse. 😂

Supply: PressInformant