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Prosecutor seeks life sentence for convicted ‘Hotel Rwanda’ hero



KIGALI (Reuters) – A Rwandan prosecutor on Monday sought a life sentence for Paul Rusesabagina, who was portrayed within the film “Lodge Rwanda” sheltering a whole bunch of individuals through the 1994 genocide, as an alternative of an present 25-year time period.

Rusesabagina, 67, was convicted in September on eight terrorism prices associated to the actions of an organisation against President Paul Kagame’s rule and is being held in a Rwandan jail.

He has denied all the fees and refused to participate within the trial, which he and his supporters denounced as a politically motivated sham. He was not in court docket in Kigali on Monday to listen to the prosecution start its attraction towards his sentence, opting to stay in jail.

“We don’t agree with the choice to present Rusesabagina a 25-year sentence as an alternative of life imprisonment,” public prosecutor Jean Pierre Habarurema advised the court docket.

“Given the importance of the fees of which Rusesabagina was convicted and the influence of these crimes on folks and their belongings, he shouldn’t be given a lenient sentence. He needs to be given life imprisonment,” he stated.

Rusesabagina has acknowledged having a management position within the Rwanda Motion for Democratic Change (MRCD), however denied duty for assaults carried out by its armed wing, the Nationwide Liberation Entrance (FLN). The trial judges stated the 2 teams have been indistinguishable.

Within the 2004 movie, Rusesabagina was depicted risking his life to shelter a whole bunch of individuals within the resort he managed within the Rwandan capital through the 100-day genocide, when Hutu extremists killed greater than 800,000 Tutsis and average Hutus.

The Hollywood film gave Rusesabagina a excessive profile on the worldwide stage, which he later used to focus on what he described as abuses by Kagame’s authorities.

Kagame, who has dominated since 1994, denies the accusations and has loved assist from Western donors for restoring stability and boosting financial progress. Nevertheless, human rights teams describe the Rusesabagina case as a part of a sample of intimidating opponents.

(Reporting by Clement Uwiringiyimana; Writing by Estelle Shirbon; Modifying by Nick Macfie)