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Police shoot 19-year-old Boy for impregnating a 17 Years old Girl



Unless three different surgeries are urgently conducted on the left leg of Ledesi Kote, a 19-year-old boy who was shot by a policeman for impregnating a woman consistent with doctors ,the young man may lose the leg to amputation.

According to Kote, the daddy of the victim, He was in his compound in K. Dere community in Gokana government area of Rivers State on Friday, August 21, 2020, around 7am, when a Sienna drove into his compound with about four armed police men...

“They went straight to my son’s room door and were banging and cocking guns. I approached them to inquire from them what my son did wrong that they were trying to find him, but none of them answered me. it had been one among them who angrily told me that my son impregnated a woman .”.

According to the victim’s father, subsequent thing he heard from the backyard of his house was a gunshot.

Police shoot 19-year-old Boy for impregnating a 17 Years old Girl

He said one among the officers shot his son on the leg just because he impregnated a woman and went away with him, while he was bleeding profusely and hid him during a private hospital.

Comrade Karl Uchegbu, South-South Zonal Chairman of Civil Liberties Organizations quoted an unnamed human rights activist within the area as stating that, he and other lovers of justice took the daddy to the Rivers State Police Command headquarters on Moscow road in Port Harcourt, where a politician complaint was laid down about what their officers did to an innocent boy, whose only crime was because he impregnated a woman .

Our Correspondent learnt that arrangements were made for the immediate transfer of the victim from the village to a far better government owned hospital in Port Harcourt.

Another activist who witnessed the incident regretted that, ”until now, the officer who did this is often yet to require full responsibility of the medications. The doctor said the victim will need to undergo three different surgeries alternatively he could be amputated. we would like justice for this boy. It might be me otherwise you tomorrow”.

At the time of filing this report, the Rivers State Police Command headquarters is yet to react to the incident, especially the allegation that a policeman shot a boy.

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