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Oscar-winner, Mark Rylance’s younger brother killed in horror cycling crash



Oscar-winner, Mark Rylance's younger brother killed in horror cycling crash

The younger brother of Sir Mark Rylance has died in a horror cycling crash in California.


Wine expert Jonathan Waters was riding his bike in Oakland last Friday when he was hit by an oncoming car. He suffered severe head injuries and was treated at the scene by first responders before being rushed to the hospital. The 60-year-old died the next morning.


It is another terrible loss for the British Oscar-winning actor after one of his two step-daughters died from a fatal brain haemorrhage in 2012.


Sir Mark confirmed his brother’s passing when explaining why he would be pulling out of performing in the West End production of Jerusalem over the weekend.


Oscar-winner, Mark Rylance


The star said: “I am so sorry to tell you that on the 28th of May my dear brother Jonathan Waters was knocked from his bicycle and tragically died of his injuries.


“In order to attend his funeral in California, I unfortunately have to miss three performances of Jerusalem over Saturday 11th – Sunday 12th June.

“As I have no understudy to play the role Rooster Johnny Byron, sadly these performances have been cancelled.

He added: “Sonia Friedman Productions, together with Nimax, are arranging additional performances at the end of the scheduled run to try and accommodate everyone who will be affected.

“I hope you understand my need to grieve my beloved brother and thank you for your support at this time. I hope you will be able to attend another performance of Jerusalem.”


Oscar-winner, Mark Rylance

Oscar-winner, Mark Rylance’s younger brother killed in horror cycling crash


Mr. Waters had spent over 30 years in the US working at one of California’s most acclaimed restaurants, Chez Panisse.


Rylance, who won the Best Supporting Actor Academy Award for Bridge of Spies, quit his role in the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony after the sudden death of his “beloved” stepdaughter.