The artist has described Nigeria as living in trenches as the power situation and fuel increment in the country is getting worst each day as he laments over huge electricity bills.

The artist took to his snap chat story to lament about the recent attack that happened with the Kaduna Train where people were left injured and also properties destroyed after the attack. He stated that the government will do nothing about the case but will rather sweep it under the carpet.

Advising people to stay safe, Skiibii said that everywhere in Nigeria is dark, with no electricity and no fuel to power generators so people should be careful out there. He lamented that he received an electricity bill of NI.7 million even when the lights are mostly off.

“…..We no get government ooo, you better know no cos no light everywhere…no fuel to power generator. The last NEPA bill I got is N1.7 million Kai and guess what, it’s looking like it will only get worse, this recycling of leaders is not taking us anywhere”, a part of his post read.

