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Nigerian man takes bold step, proposed to his girlfriend on Valentine’s day and she said, “Yes” | PressInformant



A Nigerian man has taken the bold step by proposing to his girlfriend on Valentine’s day, February 14th, 2022.

The man identified as Soji on Twitter, stated that he took the bold step and proposed to his girlfriend on Valentine’s day and she said, ‘yes’.

Taking to the micro-blogging platform, he stated that he proposed to his girlfriend and she accepted his proposal.

He shared photos of himself and his beautiful girlfriend. In the photos he was spotted going on his knees as he proposed to his girlfriend.

His girlfriend accepted his marriage proposal and he slipped a ring on her finger.

The man who is overjoyed took to Twitter and wrote;

“I made the bold step and SHE SAID YES 🥳💍”.

See below,