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My wife trusts and respects her pastor more than me – Man laments



A young man, Tolib Ademola has narrated how his aunt’s husband told his mother of his intentions to file a divorce.

According to him, his aunt’s husband recounted how his aunt trusts and respects their pastor more than him.

He tweeted,

“My aunt husband was at our place yesterday to tell my mom that he is filing a divorce because my aunt trusts and respect their pastor more than him.”

Reacting to his tweet, some of his followers have made comments as regards to his tweet.

A Twitter user, Kaldrid noted that almost same thing happened to his uncle. His wife tells their pastor every single thing that happens in their home. She also seeks permission from the pastor before she takes her decision. This got his uncle upset and wanted to file a divorce.

Also reacting to his Tweet, his follower, Chinda said it’s prevalent in some African homes. She pointed out the fact that most women ascribe all the respect to their pastors and disregard their husbands. She further advised that those women turn a new leaf.