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‘My Girlfriend Starts Chanting Anytime I Ask For Breakup, Claims Her Ancestors Don’t Agree To It’ – Guy Says



He made this known in a recent post he made on the popular social media platform, Facebook and it has really gotten people talking.

According to him, he is stuck with his girlfriend just because his fiancee starts chanting and claiming her ancestor do not agree to their breakup anytime he asks for a breakup.

He added that the lady also tells her if he forces and breaks up with her, she will die. The post he made reads;

“Hi Auntie Momoza. Maybe I’m just not clued up about ancestors. I’ve been dating this girl that has a history of ancestors bothering her. I never had a problem with it because as much as I’m a Christian, I’m also an African. She stays a street away from ours. She cheated on me and I decided to end things. My problem is now she comes to my place unannounced.

When I kick her out she starts doing sangoma noises and moves. When I let her in the house the noises and moves stop. She says her ancestors haven’t accepted our break up and that if we force it she will die. It’s been 5 months I’m stuck with her. Everytime I raise the break up issue she starts with her sangoma moves and noises. When I let her sleep next to me she calms down.


To those with knowledge of ancestors, how do l go about this one?”

Source: PressInformant