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Money Talks: See Inside The Plush 5-Bedroom Mansions Despite Gifted His Two Sisters (VIDEO)



Ghanaian millionaire, Osei Kwame Regardless of made headlines when he gifted his sisters two 5- bed room mansions in his hometown throughout his sixtieth celebration.

A glance contained in the luxurious 5-bedroom homes Dr. Osei Kwame Regardless of’s home in Wiamose, Ashanti, gifted to his two sisters and options state-of-the-art inside designs, marble flooring, and a well-spaced surroundings.

Moreover the huge grasp suites, every construction comprises a big kitchen, 4 rooms, and a terrace with a spectacular view.

Regardless of made the donations to commemorate his sixtieth birthday on February 2, 2022, movies and pictures of the 2 homes started to flow into on social media.

A number of pictures captured the outside views of the 2 buildings, however in the latest video revealed by UTV on their official Instagram web page, their exquisitely made inside is clearly displayed.

His determination to formally current these two opulent buildings to his two sisters drew backlash from social media customers, notably Ghanaian socialite Diamond Appiah, who slammed Regardless of for publicizing his good deeds.

She wrote on Snapchat: “In the event you purchase a home on your mom, sister, brother, and grandma is that additionally information? Oh dabi. Even Regina Daniels purchased a home for her mom at age 19 oo.”

Supply: PressInformant