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Moments Man Confronted And Took Down Two PCR Officers In Lagos [Video]




A video is trending on social media which captures the moment two PCR officers were assaulted by a civilian after he was confronted for an offense.

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In the video, the officers were seen confronting the gentleman on his offense but it seems matters could not be resolved verbally as it escalated to a physical brawl leading to the two officers being assaulted by the man.

The gentleman pushed one of the officers down and tried attacking the other but after he stopped to enter his vehicle, the officer tried confronting him again which led to him pushing him to the side of the road as well.

It was unclear what might have led the man to publicly assault the two officers in such a manner but it is certain that he has offended the officers and might probably face the consequences.

Watch the video below:

In other news, Afia Schwarzenegger has stated that any married woman who fights or divorces her husband because his name has been mentioned in Abena Korkor’s exposé is stupid.

According to her, Abena Korkor for five good years has been dropping the list of Ghanaian men she has slept with, hence Ghanaian men are not stupid to be continuously sleeping with her when they are aware she will come out to expose them.

From Afia Schwarzenegger’s perspective, it will be pointless for married women to engage in arguments or confront their husbands because of Abena Korkor’s wild allegations.

Her comments come after Abena Korkor’s wild exposé which involves some Ghanaian men who have had a taste of her honey pot.

Source: www.