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Mimi Reinhardt Obituary – Wiki



Mimi Reinhardt,  Oskar Schindler’s secretary who typed out the list of Jews he saved from Nazi Germany, died in Israel at the age of 107.

Sasha Weitman, Reinhardt’s son, confirmed that she died early Friday, April 8, and was laid to relaxation on Sunday in Herzliya, near Tel Aviv.

She was 1 of 1,200 Jews spared by German businessman Oskar Schindler, who bribed Nazi officials to permit him to preserve them as factory employees. Director Steven Spielberg turned the tale into the renowned 1993 movie “Schindler’s Record.”

Carmen Koppel was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1915, and moved to Krakow, Poland, just before World War II broke out. She was imprisoned right after Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939.

I. She was imprisoned in the Krakow ghetto following Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939, before being deported to the neighbouring Plaszow detention camp in 1942.

Reinhardt’s shorthand techniques landed her a occupation in the camp’s administrative office, in which she was assigned to sort out the handwritten listing of Jews to be moved to Schindler’s ammunition manufacturing unit two many years later.

She moved to the United States just after the war and stayed there until 2007 when she immigrated to Israel at the age of 92.