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Married man exposed by wife and her friend after he tried asking a young lady out while posing as a single guy on IG Live (Video)



A Nigerian man’s plan to ask a young lady out was thwarted during an Instagram live session when his wife and her friend exposed him as a married man with a kid.

He had posed as a single man during the live video and just as the conversation was beginning to get interesting, the lady the man was trying to ask out got a request from a woman who wanted to join the conversation.

The woman who joined the conversation said she’s a friend to his wife and claimed to know the man whom she insisted was married.

She accused him of being a player and warned the pretty young lady to be careful as the man has a wife and a son.

It took t dramatic turn after the man denied being married and further dared the woman to bring his supposed wife on to prove that he’s indeed married to her.

In few seconds, the wife of the man joined the conversation and started hurling insults at the man. She showed the face of the son they have together and pointed out the resemblance.

The lady who started the Instagram session was left stunned and lost for words as the man struggled to defend himself.

Watch the video below;