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Man laments over mother-in-law who is making his marriage unbearable



A heartbroken man who has been childless since his marriage has cried out over the humiliation he faces within the fingers of mother-in-law.

Crying out on social media, the younger man sought recommendation over the best way to deal with his mother-in-law who blames his for childlessness in his marriage.

In response to the person who has been married for years, his mother-in-law who lives below his roof makes life a dwelling hell for him.

Learn his narration beneath:

“I’ve been married for 4years and not using a little one. My mom in legislation moved in with me at my second month of marriage as a result of her daughter is an solely little one and her husband died few months earlier than our marriage. My mom in legislation is inflicting so many issues in my house. She blame me for our predicament that I used all my kids in alternate of cash.

My darling wife who was so respectful now discuss again at me. Her perspective in direction of me modified. She now shouts at me and talks to me rudely. We have now accomplished medical assessments and so they confirmed that nothing is improper with us. I need to ship my mom in legislation away however my wife is threatening to go away as effectively. I like her a lot Ceetee. I takes care of her. She’s not missing cash cos I’m a wealthy man. Though she’s not working. I nonetheless come again from work, prepare dinner and clear my home. My wife all the time claims her waist is paining her.

I don’t trouble about all these. I’ll solely have peace if my mom in go away. Ceetee, you might want to see how they torment me in my home. I’m lonely even wen my wife resides with me. She sleeps in her mum’s room and for 8months, I’ve not touched my wife. she has been denying me sxx. Please assist a dying brother.”