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‘Mama, I’m Afraid’: Russian Soldier’s Text To Mother Before He Died In Action Emerges



A Russian soldier’s last words to his mum before he died whilst in action have been uncovered by Ukraine’s ambassador to the United Nations, Sergiy Kyslytsya whilst addressing members of the United Nations General Assembly in an emergency meeting.

According to Kyslytsya, the Russian soldier told his mom they were “bombing all of the cities” and “even targeting civilians” and he is terrified with fear.

American cable and satellite television network C-SPAN shared a video showing the moment Kyslytsya read out the messages was tweeted by in which he can be seen holding up a screenshot of the soldier’s texts and urging the members of the assembly to visualize the magnitude of the tragedy

Excerpts from the text messages.

“Mama, I’m in Ukraine. There is a real war raging here. I’m afraid. We are bombing all of the cities together, even targeting civilians,” these were the final text messages between a Russian soldier and his mother before he died in the war.

After the mother asked for her son’s whereabouts, he revealed to her that he was not in a training but taking part in the invasion of Ukraine and was ‘afraid’.

“Why has it been so long since you responded? Are you really in training exercises?” the mother asked her son, adding that she intended to send him a package. To this the soldier tells his mother, in Russian, that he is no longer in Crimea doing training exercises.

“Mama, I’m no longer in Crimea. I’m not in training sessions,” the soldier reportedly wrote, after his mother asked why it had been so long since he responded.

“They call us fascists. Mama, this is so hard.

Watch the video below;
