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LG election timetable: Tension in Lagos doused – Accord Party



The Accord Party (AP) said the release of the election timetable by the Lagos State Independent Electoral Commission (LASIEC) has doused tensions.

The election will be held on July 24, 2021, while campaigns would begin on April 30 and end on July 22.

Publicity Secretary, Dele Oladeji, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that LASIEC “chose constitutionality over the push for rape on democracy”.

“We are happy as this has eased unnecessary tension and democratic denial in residents”, he said.

Oladeji recalled there was a protest in March against an alleged plan by Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu to appoint administrators for the LGAs and LCDAs when the tenure of the incumbent heads expire in July.

AP said its members were ready for the election and would defend candidates’ mandate and the people’s votes.

The party commended Sanwo-Olu for deepening democracy at the grassroots.

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