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Kwadwo Sheldon Insults Archipalago After His Boys Threatened Him Not To Come To Kumasi – Video



Content material creator Kwadwo Sheldon has insulted Archipalago for being a f00l at 45 after a few of his boys made a video threatening him to not step a foot in Kumasi.

Kwadwo Sheldon and Archipalago have been having a backwards and forwards with one another over a remark made by the previous and a few boys on the aspect of the latter took issues of their fingers to threaten the previous to not step a foot in Kumasi.

Kwadwo Sheldon reacting to the video insulted Archipalago for being a f00l at 45 and shopping for some medication for these guys to spew that nonsense they have been saying within the video as a result of he was scared he couldn’t present his face.

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He then made it clear to them that there’s nothing they will do when he steps a foot in Kumasi and as a matter of reality, he’ll announce his arrival for them to return and do no matter they assume they will do as a result of he is aware of there’s nothing they will do.

The threatened them with the police saying if he forwards the video to the police they’ll all be arrested as a result of they’ve threatened his life and he didn’t take it evenly on Archipalago in any respect repeating as soon as once more that he’s not match to t=be the voice of the youth.

video beneath;
