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Kanye “Ye” West Responds to Claims He’s Off His Medication



Kanye “Ye” West Responds to Claims He is Off His Treatment – NY Morning Star

Kanye “Ye” West is standing his floor.

The 44-year-old rapper took to Instagram on Thursday, Feb. 10, to talk out about psychological well being after receiving a remark that accused him of being “off the meds.” Sharing a screenshot of the message, which additionally claims that Ye’s upcoming Donda 2 album is “gonna be loopy,” he stated it was “DISMISSIVE TO SAY IM OFF MY MEDS ANYTIME I SPEAK UP.”

Ye additionally wrote, “THE WORLD IS RACIST SEXIST HOMOPHOBIC AND CRAZY PHOBIC AT OUR CORE ITS CHEAP,” including that the “PHOBIA” he speaks of “DOESN’T MEAN BEING AFRAID,” however relatively “IT MEANS NOT GIVING POWER TO [it].”

The “Hurricane” artist ended his assertion with a notice of encouragement, saying, “LETS BE MORE CONSCIOUS AND NOT WRITE EACH OTHER OFF SO EASILY.”

Ye has been open about his psychological well being prior to now, notably his bipolar dysfunction prognosis. In a 2019 episode of My Subsequent Visitor Wants No Introduction with David Letterman, he spoke out in regards to the “stigma of loopy” and the way generally individuals write off his opinions due to his prognosis.

Supply: Eonline