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JD Vance argues to get rid of the ATF, says a gun registry is ‘disarming’ citizens



Writer and U.S. Senate candidate from Ohio JD Vance defined to Tucker Carlson Friday his concern over a report that the Biden administration has practically 1 billion data of firearms purchases made by Individuals, citing the way it’s finally about “destroying the Second Modification.”

JD VANCE: This database is finally a again door to a gun registry on this nation. And in the event you take a look at what liberals have achieved in Europe, what they’ve achieved in Australia, when you enable gun registry, you successfully enable the disarming of your citizenry. That is finally about destroying the Second Modification, simply because the Democrats’ alliance with Large Tech is about destroying the First Modification. And my fundamental argument right here, Tucker, is look, if the Democrats are going to disregard the closely armed drug cartels on our southern border that use the ATF to go after law-abiding residents, why don’t we simply eliminate the ATF? 


Supply: Fox Information