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Is This Why Henry Kissinger’s Name Was Changed?



The Kissingers determined to flee Germany for America in 1938, after Henry’s father, Louis, was fired from his job and the household misplaced its German citizenship, per the Academy of Achievement. The U.S. allowed the household entry into the nation by way of London when Heinz was simply 15 years outdated. With a brand new life got here a brand new identify, and shortly after that transfer, Heinz turned often known as Henry, in accordance with the Workplace of the Historian.

Would a easy identify change make life simpler for Henry? No one is aware of for certain, however Henry went on to have a profitable life. He attended faculty, turn into an American citizen, and later turned a outstanding determine in American politics within the Nineteen Fifties. In 1968, President Richard Nixon appointed him to be his nationwide safety advisor, and in 1973, he turned Nixon’s secretary of state. Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 for his effort to barter an finish to the Vietnam battle, per the Nobel Basis.