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Is Sydney Sweeney’s Cassie Pregnant In Euphoria? Did She Get An Abortion In Season 1?



Is Sydney Sweeney's Cassie Pregnant In Euphoria? Did She Get An Abortion In Season 1?

‘Euphoria’ season 2 choices up all around the second one semester of the East Highland Excessive children’ junior 12 months. After a glowing season premiere, the second episode continues to throttle ahead with full tempo and elaborates on various storylines prepare inside the earlier episode. One in every of most likely probably the most intriguing plot traits inside the season 2 premiere is the sudden coming together of Sydney Sweeney’s Cassie and Jacob Elordi’s Nate. Cassie and Nate’s sexual encounter and subsequent hookup have left viewers frightened that Cassie’s season 1 mistake may very well be repeating itself. In the event you’re questioning whether or not or not Cassie is pregnant in ‘Euphoria’ season 2, that is the entire thing you want to know! SPOILERS AHEAD!

In the second episode of ‘Euphoria’ season 2, titled ‘Out of Contact,’ viewers be told regarding the aftermath of Fezco’s violent assault on Nate. Nate is taken to the clinic and, in his injured state, begins to fantasize about existence with Cassie. He appears to love Cassie, and viewers see some very graphic scenes of the two having intercourse. A few moments later, Nate’s imaginative and prescient of a paradisical existence confirms that he wishes to spend the rest of his days with Cassie. He moreover mentions that he wishes to start a family alongside along with her. Moments later, we see Cassie pregnant with Nate’s child as the two dangle round by way of the pool.

As fascinating as these specific sequences are, they strictly occur in Nate’s ideas and are utterly imaginary. Subsequently it’s safe to say that Cassie isn’t pregnant, a minimum of not at this degree. Later inside the episode, Nate drives Cassie to an abandoned warehouse and explains that they will’t be together. Nonetheless, he as quickly as as soon as extra hooks up with Cassie. Their latest sexual encounter raises the chance of Cassie becoming pregnant, nonetheless the duo most likely finest had oral intercourse. Subsequently, it’s not going that Cassie is pregnant. Nonetheless, if the duo’s hookups proceed, Cassie might become pregnant as quickly as as soon as extra. Nate’s dreamy visions moreover foreshadow the same. Subsequently, it type of feels the show is setting up a widely known however robust state of affairs for Cassie.

Within the major season, Cassie is courting college pupil McKay. The 2 have a strong courting that is disrupted by way of McKay’s lack of skill to easily settle for Cassie’s public intercourse existence. After a violent hazing incident, McKay has intercourse with Cassie, and he or she turns into pregnant. Cassie is keen in regards to the scoop and wishes to remain the kid. Nonetheless, McKay is lower than delighted and does not must raise a toddler. Subsequently, he advises her to get an abortion. Finally, Cassie involves a call to abort the kid and likewise breaks up with McKay.

As a ways as season 2 is nervous, it type of seems like the chance of Cassie becoming pregnant with Nate’s child is a sturdy one. Regardless of the demanding conditions of being a teenager mom, Cassie seems to be open to the idea of getting a toddler. Given her mother’s courting alongside along with her father, Cassie seeks steadiness with the boys in her existence who finest seem to like her for her body. For Cassie, her being pregnant is a validation of her partner’s love for her. Nonetheless, McKay’s wish to abort the kid proves the opposite of the same. Given Nate’s imaginary conditions, he seems like a a ways extra good selection for Cassie to start a family with. Nonetheless, the chance of Cassie coping with the same robust cases over once more is an exhilarating storytelling choice for the character’s arc.