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“Is God in heaven?”— Singer BenKrezt asks fans and followers | PressInformant



Fastrising Nigerian singer, Benkrezt, have questioned the existence of God in heaven. The singer doubted the existence of God.

Singer Benkrezt

Benkrezt in a submit on his Instagram web page said that firstly God created the heaven and the earth.

He due to this fact requested his followers the place God was staying earlier than he created the heavens and the earth.

He added that he’ll wish to know the place God was staying earlier than he created the heavens and the earth.

His phrases,

“However wait o!! is God in heaven?? As a result of at first God created the heavens and the earth (gen1:1) So pls the place was God staying earlier than he created the heavens and the earth??. Pls I actually need to know 🙏”.

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