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“I’m ready to marry a rich woman and become her house husband” – VJ Adams reveals(Video) | PressInformant



Media character and TV presenter, Adams Ibrahim Adebola, popularly generally known as VJ Adams, has declared that he’s able to turn out to be a home husband to a wealthy lady.

The tv host who acknowledged this in a latest video he shared on-line, revealed that he made the choice after a protracted, considerate course of and a collection of some prolonged deliberations.

VJ Adams reveals he is ready to be a house husband to a rich woman

Based on VJ Adams, he’s lastly able to tie the knot and cool down, however the lady who would be the wife have to be rich and keen to handle him and take all of the obligations of their dwelling on her shoulders.

He due to this fact, requested any lady who assume they meet his standards to slip into his DM and instantly ask for his groom’s value.

Watch VJ Adams converse under: