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I’m In A State Of Confusion- Mzbel Cries Out



Mzbel has stated that she feels overwhelmed by the responsibilities she must bear while navigating her way through grief.

She made her submission in an interview with Graphic Showbiz.

In her words: “I am confused, I haven’t experienced anything like this because when my mother died, I was 18 years so there was no responsibility on me. But with this, everyone is saying something, we are holding meetings here and there and all that,” 

Mzbel claims that her 75-year-old father instructed them not to organize a funeral for him before he died, and she intends to honor that request.

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She explained: “Apart from that, my dad died well. He was a Muslim so we won’t have a funeral for him. Before he died, he told us not to hold any funeral for him when he passes on so we are abiding by that,” 

Mzbel had previously stated that she will arrange two “grand” funerals for her father. She was torn between listening to her dad’s final words or holding the big funeral since she was urged to reconsider her decision because the father was buried according to Muslim practice, as he had requested.

She paid her homage to the National Chief Imam after the burial, but the contents of her meeting were kept private.

Mzbel stated in the interview that they are in talks with the National Chief Imam about leading prayers for her father in March.

She said: “We will just hold prayers for him on March 5 at my residence at Mallam Gbawe. We are in talks with the National Chief Imam to come and lead the prayers,”

Source: PressInformant