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‘If You Have Moved On, Stop This Gaslighting Let Me Have Peace’ – Sandra Iheuwa Slams Ex-Husband Steve Thompson




Steve Thompson, while reacting to a claim Sandra made on social media confessing how she loved him when they were together, queried why Sandra Iheuwa proceeded to marry him when she still loved her ex-husband.


Steve Thompson intimated that Sandra Iheuwa’s statement affirms how she was set out to assassinate him and he vowed to keep his future partner from social media when he gets one

He wrote: “I have a question, so people will still have love for their ex and go ahead to marry an innocent person they actually don’t love at all? No wonder the attempted character assassination. Now some people believe the lies. Some will say Steve is okay….yaaaa because it wasn’t you it happened to. The day I will find true and sincere love ehh, I will testify in church then hide her from you all like I have always been since 2014 I joined this App. God bless the person for everything. I’m actually very very upset.”

Sandra Iheuwa has clapped back at Steve Thompson via her Instagram page and he told him to move on and stop misconstruing her words.

Sandra Iheuwa added that she had kids with her ex-husband and wondered why she should hate him.

I’m sick and I’m tired of this rants…..if you have moved on keep it moving and stop misconstruing my words……This is directly to you and anyone that doesn’t understand English…..You bring this out in public and I will respond in public. I have kids with my ex-husband am I suppose to hate him? The keyword here is “Loved” PAST TENSE am I suppose to hate him???? Someone, I have kids with? If you hate your ex wife that have kids for you that’s on you. But believe that I will NEVER marry someone I don’t love. Stop this gaslighting let me have peace. REST IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS. Thank you.