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I Was Belittled By My Mates Who Entered University Before Me – Yvonne Nelson



Ghanaian actress and movie producer Yvonne Nelson has shared a story about her life recounting how her friends used to tag her as a “failure”.

Yvonne Nelson has been in the news for several weeks due to the premiering of her new movie “The Men We Love”. She has granted a recent interview sharing some life experiences and lessons from the past.

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In a recent interview with Adom TV’s Afia Amankwah on Mahyease, she disclosed how she was tagged by her friends as a failure because she could not gain admission to the University due to her inability to pass her WASSCE.

She added that the attitude towards her by her friends encouraged her to rewrite the two elective subjects she failed to write; Accounting and costing.

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“I studies accounting and costing at Aggrey Memorial but during the SSCE, I didn’t write these two papers…I wasn’t into studying. My concentration was on entertainment and performance. I regretted my decision. I watched all my classmates gain admission to the University while I stayed home”, she said.

I participated in Miss Ghana pageantry in 2005…I had some regrets after my classmates and my best friend stopped calling me after entering the University. I believed she started looking down on me. She might have thought that I wasn’t a serious girl, she couldn’t make it. I was pained and I just said to myself that I have to rewrite and sure I get to school. It was right after Miss Ghana that I went to Central University”, Yvonne added.

Source: PressInformant