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‘I Think My Mother Is Using My Kids To Duped Me’ – Lady Claim



According to this lady, she feels her mother is using her kids, who are staying with her mother, to duped her and she gave reasons for her claim.

She made this known in a recent post she made on the popular social media platform, Facebook and it reads;

“Hello fam
I have a problem and I need advice. I have two kids and they live with my mum due to the nature of my job. Moreover I don’t agree to having a maid to assist whiles am working the more reason they with my mum. They school around there and pick the school bus. Now the problem is my mum is making me over spend and it’s outrageous. The kids pay 5gh each daily for school bus and canteen so I pay for both weekly that’s 50gh. Aside that I buy groceries for their breakfast and foodstuffs also. Now my mum expects me to give an extra 100gh every week for their stew and sweets. Well I didn’t say a word cos I just thought she is of support so it’s cool. Sei Sei de3 my mum is killing me oo. Per my calculations I spend close to 300gh now every week on the kids. How ??? I give my mum personal allowance of 150gh too oo but my mum still finds a way to dupe me, yes dupe me oo. Cos it’s outrageous. I confronted her and it turned to a fight. She says I should take me kids away.
She stopped working because of health reasons. Almost done with a shop in front of her house so she can sell something. Even aside that, I gave her capital to start a business at home which is going well. I think my mum is being unfair and I have decided to take my kids away. What do I do”

Source: PressInformant