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I Prayed And Hoped It Wasn’t True – Rita Dominic Saddened By The Passing Of Her Friend Ogo



Actress Rita Dominic has shared how saddened she is by the passing of her friend Ogo as she prayed and hoped it wasn’t true but mere mortals can’t question God.

Rita Dominic shared a photo of her friend Ogo and indeed she’s the epitome of beauty but unfortunately, she has kicked the bucket and this news saddens her heart especially when there’s nothing she can do about it.


According to her post, sometimes she wonders why these things happen to good people but then again she realizes that mere mortals like us can never question God as in His infinite wisdom knows what’s best for us all.





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Rita Dominic then added that she prayed and hoped the news about Ogo’s death wasn’t true but unfortunately, she has to accept the fact that she’s no more counted among the living and we can only imagine how heartbroken she is.

So saddened to learn of your passing my dear Ogo..
I prayed and hoped it wasn’t true..
You were such a hard working, young woman with a very bright and happy spirit..

Sometimes you want to question why such things happen to good people but who are we mere mortals to question God.

May your soul Rest In Peace my dearest and may God strengthen your family as they grieve.🙏🏽🤍🕊

post below;

Source: www.PressInformant