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How Old Was Kirk When He Died (All 3 Times)



Captain James T. Kirk died 3 times in two completely different Star Trek universes and right here’s how outdated the Captain of the Enterprise was every time Kirk’s loss of life occurred. The unique model of Captain Kirk was portrayed by William Shatner and was launched in Star Trek: The Authentic Sequence. Shatner performed Captain Kirk from 1966-1994 in 3 seasons of Star Trek: TOS, one season of Star Trek: The Animated Sequence, and seven Star Trek films. Chris Pine took over the function of Captain Kirk in J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek film trilogy, and he performed the alternate Kelvin timeline’s Kirk from 2009-2016.

Within the Prime Timeline, James T. Kirk was born on March 22, 2233. Captain Kirk commanded the USS Enterprise on its authentic 5-year mission of exploration from 2266-2270. Afterward, Kirk was promoted to Rear Admiral however he wasn’t sufficiently old for desk obligation and Kirk yearned to command his beloved starship as soon as extra. In Star Trek: The Movement Image, Kirk returned to the bridge of the Enterprise and he held onto the captain’s chair till Star Trek III: The Seek for Spock, when Kirk destroyed the Enterprise to maintain it from being captured by Klingons. After Kirk and his crew saved the Earth in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Residence, Jim was court-martialed, demoted to Captain (the rank he wished all alongside), and given command of the USS Enterprise-A. In Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Nation, Kirk’s ultimate mission with the Enterprise solid an unprecedented galactic peace between the United Federation of Planets and their enemies, the Klingons.


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In Star Trek’s Kelvin timeline, Chris Pine’s Jim Kirk was truly born 2 months earlier than Shatner’s, on January 4, 2033. Kirk got here into the universe moments after his father, Lt. George Kirk (Chris Hemsworth), died commanding the USS Kelvin in an encounter with the time-traveling Romulan named Nero (Eric Bana). At age 22, Jim joined Starfleet on a dare however he quickly rose to change into Captain of the Enterprise at simply 25 years outdated when he led the starship’s defeat of Nero in 2258. Nevertheless, the Kelvin timeline’s younger Kirk died only a 12 months later in Star Trek Into Darkness, though his demise was very temporary.

All 3 Occasions Kirk Died In Star Trek

Star Trek Generations Kirk dies

William Shatner’s Captain Kirk is recorded to have died twice though just one loss of life proved to be everlasting. Kirk’s first “loss of life” occurred within the opening flashbacks of Star Trek Generations. In 2293, Kirk vanished and was presumed useless after he saved the USS Enterprise-B from the vitality ribbon known as the Nexus. However Kirk didn’t die; Jim was truly transported contained in the Nexus’ extra-dimensional actuality. However so far as Starfleet knew for the following 78 years, Kirk died in Star Trek Generations‘ opening scene.

Captain Kirk’s precise loss of life occurred in 2371 on the finish of Star Trek Generations’ important story. Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) additionally entered the Nexus and found Kirk was alive. The 2 Captains of the Enterprise then left the Nexus collectively and teamed as much as cease Dr. Tolian Soran (Malcolm McDowell) from destroying Veridian III. Nevertheless, Kirk was mortally wounded within the battle towards Soran and, this time, Captain Kirk’s loss of life was everlasting.

Since virtually every part in Kirk’s life within the Kelvin timeline occurred sooner than it did to Shatner’s Kirk, the Captain’s loss of life (and resurrection) was no completely different. In Star Trek Into Darkness, Chris Pine’s Captain Kirk died from warp core radiation poisoning whereas making an attempt to save lots of the Enterprise from Khan Noonien Singh (Benedict Cumberbatch). Nevertheless, Kirk was instantly resurrected, due to a serum Dr. Leonard McCoy (Karl City) synthesized from Khan’s genetically-engineered blood.

Associated: Why Star Trek Generations’ Alternate Kirk Loss of life Was So Controversial

How Previous Kirk Was When He Died

Kirk Dying Star Trek Into Darkness

William Shatner’s Captain Kirk was 60 years outdated each instances he “died.” Since Kirk was the identical age as he was when he first entered the Nexus, he was bodily nonetheless 60 years outdated. Nevertheless, time had no that means within the Nexus and, factoring in how a lot “real-time” elapsed till Kirk emerged from the Nexus on Veridian III with Picard, Captain Kirk was chronologically 138 years outdated when he handed away for good. However in Star Trek‘s Kelvin timeline, Chris Pine’s Captain Kirk died at a significantly youthful age. Kirk’s loss of life and resurrection occurred when he was simply 26 years outdated.

Subsequent: Star Trek: What Kirk’s Dying Phrases In Generations Imply (& Why They’re Good)

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