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How My Colleagues Influenced Youths To Engage In R!tual Killings — Actress Ifumeludike



Nollywood actress, Chioma Ifemeludike concurs with Yul Edochie’s claim and the assertion by some figure heads that unemployment have greatly caused the high rate of rituals and this evil pandemic can be controlled if Nigerian youths are skillfully engaged or empowered.

However, she bemoaned the fact that the ‘quick money syndrome’ and ‘the fake it till you make it mindset?’ including the expensive and luxurious lifestyle that doesn’t correlate with your income that entertainers show off have directly or indirectly influenced the young ones.

In a lengthy post on her Instagram page, she wrote;

Let’s even talk about our musical contents, the lyrics some of what y’all musicians are promoting is mounting undue pressure on these kids, gone are they days when meaningful songs from the likes of Onyeka Onwenu, (late) Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe, (Late) Legendary Fela Anikulapo kuti etc. these were international award winning musicians who used every opportunity to teach impact society positively through their music (some even after death) but fast forward today you hear lyrics like “if you no get money hide your face” 🤷🏾‍♀️…

Nollywood movies haven’t necessarily promoted rituals but in my opinion,I think the problem here is the narrative circulated through these storylines that human blood(sacrifice) can make money start raining in a secret room or inside a wardrobe… Can human sacrifice truly produce wealth? and even if it does same Nollywood have shown in many storylines the consequences and repercussions of taking another persons life.

The short and long story here is, “an idle man is the devil’s workshop”! Government must, as a matter of urgency,engage and empower our youth.
